Tuesday, October 19, 2004

So the Faint/TV On The Radio show on sunday was awesome.

The opening band, Beep Beep sucked. and neverecho has since changed the name of her blog.

I missed seeing TVOTR when they were in town earlier this year, so I jumped at the opportunity to see them again. They did not disappoint and delivered a solid set. My only complaint would be that it could've been longer.

I really didnt know what to expect of The Faint, but I was blown away. It had all the elements of a great show: high energy, a not-too-full-of-themselves attitude, great beats, cool visuals, very responsive crowd and... strobe lights! It was probably one of the best performances I'd seen in a while.

While at the show, we got to talking about old shows that we'd been to. Im really glad Ive been fortunate to see some great bands before they broke up (like Soundgarden) and I started thinking about shows that I would have loved to have seen but will never have a chance to due to the bands' break-up/demise or due to the fact that I was not born at the time. Here are my top 5:

  - Jimi Hendrix
  - Queen
  - Joy Division
  - Nirvana
  - A Tribe Called Quest

A few runner-ups worth mentioning: The Beatles, Elvis, Milli Vanilli....

So if time and space was not a constraint, who do you wish you couldve seen perform live?


Blogger gulshan said...

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20/10/04 6:50 PM


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