This may be "so yesterday's news" already, but I just saw Jon Stewart's appearance on CNN's Crossfire last Friday. You can read the full transcript here. Here are a few of my favorite moments:
STEWART: Now, this is theater. It's obvious. How old are you?
CARLSON: Thirty-five.
STEWART: And you wear a bow tie.
CARLSON: You need to get a job at a journalism school, I think.
STEWART: You need to go to one.
CARLSON: I do think you're more fun on your show. Just my opinion.
STEWART: You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.
I agree with Jon Stewart that the media's responsibility should be to the people as opposed to the politicians and corporations. But I also think part of the problem is with the people who buy into all the BS that is thrown at them by the media.
The media has the responsibility to focus on issues that are of real relevance and the people have the responsibility to demand that of the media. That doesnt seem to be happening enough on either side.
Here are some follow-up articles about Jon's appearance on the show: [via]
Jon Stewart Bitchslaps CNN's 'Crossfire' Show
Crossfire's Response
Crossfire is such a joke. When I saw the clip I felt so reassured by John Stewarts' perspective; because it was honest. I mean that Carlson dick represents the right wing/republican side of US society so well; out dated, arrogant, racially/economically classist and just one of those general jackasses who have been brought up to feel privileged and entitled just because their parents had money. Trouble is the Democrat guy ain't much better.
You see, this is one of the things I DO like about the UK; money doesn't buy you class and doesn't count for shit here. In America it's a different ball game, if you have money you can buy your respect and your status like a fucking used car, even if you are the scum of the earth. Just look at the UES and LI, scum in a fur coat is still scum in a fur coat. Everything I hate about America is summed up by that dick Carlson. You might as well get 'crank yankers' to do the show-as John Stewart pointed out. I wish he'd run for office, fuck if a greedy dumb fuck like Schwarzenegger can do it there's nothing to stop him. Shit you might as well get one of the Hobbits to give it a shot.
23/10/04 9:57 PM
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