Wednesday, April 13, 2005

where have i been?

around. the blog has totally been neglected. my stats tell me that people still stop by once in a while. i apologize for the disappointment.

so i was in miami almost two weeks ago. Will Smith sang a song about miami. I forget what its called. its all true though. never paid that much for three nights of partying or drank so much vodka in my life. i partied like a rap-star. and i partied with rap-stars. Jay-Z and Beyonce were on the dance floor at Mansion, surrounded by bodyguards while everyone around them went crazy and took lots of pictures. i didnt take any. i aint no starf*cker.

i loved the beach though. i hadnt been to the beach in years! i mean i've been to the beach but its been eons since i actually laid out on the sand or swam in the ocean. ive decided that i must make one beach trip a year. you should come too.

i returned from miami, my wallet and liver bruised, without my luggage which had been lost en route to DC, and after almost a day of sleeping, all the drinks, lack of sleep, lack of substantial food, and kissing of random women finally caught up to me and i got sick. hmmm i thought alcohol killed germs. being sick sucks. being sick when when its 80 degrees, but you're stuck at work without a lot of work sucks even more.

i got over it, with a little help from my dear friend, azithromycin. thanks buddy!


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