Thursday, January 06, 2005

A case of the s'pose'das

There's this guy that I work with. I’ve been working with him for about 6 months or so, not on an everyday basis, but he's one of the business engineer's I work with.

A few weeks ago, I went to ask him a question about one of the requirements for the project and he mentioned that he was leaving for vacation the next day. He's from India, so I assumed he was going back there for the holidays.

"Where in India are you going?"
"Oh cool, I’m from Mumbai too, what part of the city are you from?"
"Really? I grew up in Chembur, where in Chembur?"
"Basant Park. Now you're going to say that’s where you are from, right?"
"Right! No seriously, I used to live there!"

So it turns out this guy used to live in my apartment complex and his cousins lived in my building. Which means we probably played cricket or something when we were growing up. and here we are some 14 years later working, not just in the same company, but on the same team! Tiny world huh?

So a few days later, I called my parents and told them about this coincidence. We don’t live in that apartment complex anymore, but we're not far and we still have the apartment there, which my parents are currently getting, work done on. So a few says later they were at the apartment and happened to knock on our neighbor’s door and meet the guy.

I called my folks last night to ask my mom a dentist question. After we were done chatting about my teeth, my parents mentioned that the guy is getting married in a couple of weeks.

I’ve seen this happen with at least 4 other people while I’ve been working here. Guys go back to India for a month and come back married. and the truth is that some of them do not leave for their vacations knowing that they are going to get hitched when they are home. It boggles my mind. I mean I know that arranged marriages are still extremely common in India, but I just think that a month to meet and be married is a bit hasty.

Then my mom says, "You should come here so we can get you married too". Now, let me just say that my parents have been pretty cool about not putting any pressure on my brother or me to get married. They have made it very clear that the option is available and all I have to do is give the word, but they are letting us take things at our own pace (for now).

We talked about it for a bit, and I finally just said that I’m just not ready for it right now. My dad then replied,

"Ok fine, then at least try to find a girl for your brother."
"Ok! Ill be on the look out"

Whew! Saved once again by the big-brother-buffer.

I’m just at a point in my life where I’m really not sure if I ever want to be married and generally annoyed by the notion that its something that one is supposed to do when one gets to be around a certain age. and that’s not just from the arranged marriage cultures, its pretty much all around.


Blogger monkistan said...

you should totally go to india and get married. wouldn't that be really weird? I mean one day we have gull, and the next we'd have gull and mrs. gull. do you think she'd mind if we called her mrs. gull? or mrs. gully? i like the ring to that. i totally endorse your arranged marriage.

6/1/05 2:07 PM

Blogger neverecho said...

i'm with silver. go get married. married people are more successful. msn told me so.

6/1/05 6:44 PM

Blogger Norman Rose said...

jess, i had offered to marry neverecho but i would so marry you. let's go for it! i tell dirty jokes and i'll buy you a big ring made of candy.

and gully, i think you should arrange to get married, and then bring mrs gull here and say you need to "try it out" for a few years before the ceremony. bam! live-in girlfriend! and while she's here we'll re-make her into a hipster with good taste in movies.

9/1/05 1:50 PM

Blogger neverecho said...

Oh no, you're so totally still gonna marry me, pico. Jess is letting us marry her off in India!

9/1/05 6:25 PM


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