I've seen flooding in Mumbai during the monsoons, but this is unbelieveable! I got an email from my cousin who said my dad was stranded at the airport. He works in the area and thought the airport would be a safe place to get shelter. His car ran out of gas and there was no way to fill it up, so he stayed in his car for a while but eventually decided to walk to his brother's place in Bandra where he spent the night. It took him 2.5 hours to get there. What freaks me out the most is this line from the BBC article:
Those killed in the city were crushed by falling walls, trapped in cars or electrocuted.
My mom knew that my dad had left work, but with the phone and power outages, had no idea where he was or where he spent the night. she slept in the living room so that she would be able to hear him come home since the elevators and doorbells wouldnt work with no power. Thankfully, she wasnt alone. My aunts were visiting and couldnt get back to their homes in the floods.
My cousin walked from Worli to Bandra and also stayed there and then walked to Andheri the next day. The total distance is somewhere between 6-9 miles. and through flooded streets!
My brother was able to call them this morning. Dad was finally able to get his car and drive home and he seemed fine. After about 36 hours of craziness, the rain has slowed down now. As I read other accounts of it I still cant imagine what people must have gone through.
hey! you started blogging again. glad to hear your family is all safe and sound. it was a scary day, no?
2/8/05 11:47 PM
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