Friday, April 15, 2005


a little bit of explaining is in order. the short story is that due to some miscommunications and ass-umptions, my move date has been postponed by a month.

i freaked out a little because while i was dealing with the all the who-said-whats, i had my apartment broker trying to reach me to confirm a lease signing for the weekend. cancelling the appointment would have probably meant that i would lose my deposit and would have to go through the apartment search process all over again.

but things have a way of working out and the lease signing will proceed as planned. the apartment will be vacant for a short while, allowing me to move gradually if i need to. and im being compensated for the month.

i dont mind another month here. all i ever wanted was a fixed date that i could plan by. order has been restored.


Blogger shashi said...

that's perfect, i wouldn't be able to see you until exams are over anyway (end of may/early june).

20/4/05 10:11 PM


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