Tuesday, March 22, 2005

drunken sprints

Vish and me were walking up 16th after seeing Los Amigos Invisibles. There was a guy walking about 20 ft ahead of us. All of a sudden he breaks into a run and takes off. About 30 seconds later, I paused in the middle of our conversation and said to Vish, "did that guy just start sprinting?". Vish had noticed it too and we both could immediatley relate to it. It's late, you're wasted and stumbling home, exhausted and all you can think of is how desperately you want to get there and to the comfortable drunken slumber that awaits you. but you're drunk and it feels like its taking foooorrreeeeevvvveeeeer to get home, so you do the only thing you can to speed it up... you run like the drunk fool you are.

We brought up the story the next night and what was even funnier wasnt just that we all confessed that it's something we've done, but how similar our experiences of it were. The burst of adrenaline making you very aware but the drunkenness still slowing everything down making you almost feel like you're in slow-motion. The sensation of the ground under you as you take those very heavy strides. Not having to worry about using your every last ounce of energy because you know you're not going to need it.

Im pretty sure this is only something guys do, but if im wrong, ladies, please let me know.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


pictures from my birthday party are up

Monday, March 14, 2005

The bus rides back are always quiet and somewhat lonely. it seems like an appropriate contrast to the hectic, extremely social weekend that has just passed. almost like a necessity, to allow for things to balance out.

I was a little excited when the movie started. I found it sort of amusing that it has just been delivered to my mailbox a few days before and was waiting for me to watch it at home. After less than a minute into it, i decided that this was not how i wanted to watch it. so i turned the volume up on the ipod and tried my hardest to ignore the screen for the duration of the movie. i looked around, watched the sunset as we got out of the lincoln tunnel and as we cruised down the NJ turnpike. i played silly games to make myself laugh, like if Ray was a cheezy horror movie this would be the point in the movie where id want to shout "No Ray! Dont go in there, its a trap!". i sat there with a smirk on my face as I watched the two japanese guys sitting in front of me, fast asleep in their seats both leaning very extremely and uncomfortably to the right, falling further and further with every jerk of the bus. i planned different looks for myself based on variations of head and facial hair. i tapped my feet listening to the playlist i had made before i left, wishing i was in my car instead so i could sing along.

But my mind was so distracted by thoughts of the weekend. there was drama. and looking back i can recognize that it was mostly drama fueled by alcohol. things that didnt need to be escalated had been, purely as a by-product of the inebriation. i started examining relationships that i have with friends - the ones that are no longer in my life, the ones i have, the ones i wanted - like i was being visited by the ghosts of friendships past, present and future. i started thinking of the effort i put in with certain people that isnt reciprocated and the ones that i feel i can do better with. i thought of the people i have known for a while, but feel like i dont really know at all, and how great the few meaningful interactions with them have been, giving me a glimpse into their personalities that were previously so under-appreciated. i thought about the ones that i am proud of and the ones that are proud of me, the ones whose new ventures i am extremely excited about and the ones that dont know how down i get when they are down.

This past week has made me very aware of the amazing people i have in my life that i have the privilege of calling my friends and i spent the rest of the bus ride feeling lucky and grateful and happy to be me.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

4-day week

Quick poll, if you could work a 4-day week, which would you rather have as your off-day, mondays or fridays?

Monday, March 07, 2005

I was sitting at the bar at Topaz waiting for my friends to show up. They were late and I was passing the time with a delicious glass of Tiger beer. There was a couple sitting next to me talking to the bartender. I later found out that the girl and the bartender have been friends for a while. I overheard two lines from the coversation:

"The one that was on at 9, it was a re-run?"
"Yeah it was the same as last week. Y'know, the whole spiderman thing."

I couldnt stop myself from smiling, embarrassed that I immediately knew what they were talking about. The bartender caught me smiling and when I explained the grin on my face, she immediately went into the defensive saying things like "Oh, I dont really watch the show". I joked and said "Oh yeah me neither, I tune in purely for the spotlight on the latest hip indie bands". So we started talking about TV shows, I admitted that I've never seen an episode of Melrose Place, almost proudly.

My friends eventually showed up and after a few more Tigers we headed over to the Black Cat. We only caught a couple of songs before VHS or Beta went off stage, which I was slightly bummed about. I did manage to catch up with neverecho (in the same city) which was fun.

The last few weekends have been a lot of fun in DC. It's a bit of a shame that it took so long to happen, but im really glad. But im sad that mRage is leaving DC and heading back to chicago. It's been so rockin having her in the same city again. Send out your good vibes and let's hope she gets that residency in NY.