drunken sprints
Vish and me were walking up 16th after seeing Los Amigos Invisibles. There was a guy walking about 20 ft ahead of us. All of a sudden he breaks into a run and takes off. About 30 seconds later, I paused in the middle of our conversation and said to Vish, "did that guy just start sprinting?". Vish had noticed it too and we both could immediatley relate to it. It's late, you're wasted and stumbling home, exhausted and all you can think of is how desperately you want to get there and to the comfortable drunken slumber that awaits you. but you're drunk and it feels like its taking foooorrreeeeevvvveeeeer to get home, so you do the only thing you can to speed it up... you run like the drunk fool you are.
We brought up the story the next night and what was even funnier wasnt just that we all confessed that it's something we've done, but how similar our experiences of it were. The burst of adrenaline making you very aware but the drunkenness still slowing everything down making you almost feel like you're in slow-motion. The sensation of the ground under you as you take those very heavy strides. Not having to worry about using your every last ounce of energy because you know you're not going to need it.
Im pretty sure this is only something guys do, but if im wrong, ladies, please let me know.